Many hunting operations come and go, yet the Turkey Track Club in Rapid City South Dakota is booking for its 43rd season. South Dakota is an exciting hunting destination and equally fun and alluring for a family vacation. You’ll be hunting the Merriam’s subspecies with its beautiful white-tipped plumage in a land that rings of Indian heritage and the Old West. You’ll hunt near Mount Rushmore, The Crazy Horse Memorial, and Deadwood, where Aces and eights became “the deadman’s hand.”
The Turkey Track Club offers guided three-day hunts for one or two birds from April 10 through May 1, but hunts book quickly. For full details, contact Cheif Guide John Hauer at (435) 259-8015 and ask about his mules (on which we hunted one spring). The club doesn’t have a website, but you can get information and make bookings via e-mail.
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