Rut Tracker Open

The Hunting Pages 2017 Rut Tracker by Neil Dougherty and Craig Dougherty ! We will be tracking the 2017 Rut all season and looking for your comments on recent activity and give you a Whitetail Playbook of when to be in the woods! with Stealth Cam Wildlife Research Center, inc.

Posted by Hunting on Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Rut Makes Good Hunters of Us All

Rut On!…… well, not quite yet. The rut will be on us before we know it, but when?  It comes every year, some years the 3rd week of November, other years the 2nd , sometime it’s comes Halloween weekend, you never quite know. That’s the problem, the ruts in full swing and you are at your nephew’s football game. You never quite know when to call in sick, or take vacation, or skip that game,…….. until now.

Early October Whitetails will not be far from good feed or water

The Hunting Page has you covered, this year we’ll be keeping track of the rut for you, we’ll let you know when you need to be in the woods and we will let you know when it’s OK to sleep in on Saturday. We’ve been tracking the rut for some 20 years now and have it down to a science (or is it art). We know the difference between a young buck jacked up on testosterone and experienced old timer with a nose full of estrus, we know when they are chasing and we know when they are paired up and breeding. Our network of whitetail watchers are in the woods every day know and our cameras run 24-7.Our rut meter will start running Oct.1, all you have to do is go to  or follow us on Facebook or Instagram. Watch the meter and get ready to go, we’ll have you there when the action begins and watching football when it’s over. This fall we’ll be tracking the rut for all to see, all you have to do is follow us on Facebook or visit our website.  Hunt the rut this year and find out why rut makes good hunters of us all. 

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Craig Dougherty has been a staple of the hunting industry for over 35 years. He has held senior executive and board level positions with multiple archery and firearms companies, and industry organizations. He was Chairman of the Board of the Quality Deer Management Association and was instrumental in the formation of the National Deer Alliance. He has and his son Neil have published books on deer management and hunting, and have written hundreds of articles and appeared on hunting TV and at countless sportsman’s events. The pair founded NorthCountry Whitetails a deer hunting and property management company, where they manage over 300,000 acres of deer hunting property for clients across the nation. visit: