Deer hunting in rural areas seems as American as apple pie, yet anti-hunting organizations spend millions of dollars each year to eliminate our cherished outdoor activity. Luckily, a majority of Americans support our hunting; some states have even inserted “right-to-hunt” articles in their state constitutions. The best way to sustain a bright future for hunting across the country is to sustain positive hunting behavior and teach it to our youth. This QDMA article lists four key elements to protecting hunting in the future.
As a passionate deer hunter, I fear there will come a day when my children or future grandchildren won’t have the opportunity to enjoy pursuing white-tailed deer the way I do. It seems with each passing year, a little more of our hunting heritage gets chipped away. If that day does come, however, it won’t be the animal rights activists, politicians or state wildlife agencies who are to blame. The only one we will be able to point the finger at is ourselves for standing by and letting it happen. Hunting is a tradition as old as man, but if we want to ensure that future generations are afforded the same opportunities to enjoy it that we have, there are a few steps we each need to take.
Introduce Someone New
There is strength in numbers, and the number of people participating in hunting has dropped significantly over the last 25 years… [continued]
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