Millions of hunters routinely enter raffles such as the PowerBall or Mega Jackpot in the hope of winning huge cash prizes. Should a sportsman get lucky, no doubt he or she would spend some of that cash on a hunting trip, possibly a really expensive one. Ironically, money can’t buy what the Wyoming Super Tag provides- the chance to hunt multiple species over extended seasons.
Big Game Licenses
The Wyoming Super Tag allows you to hunt species in a single year that would normally take several lifetimes to draw in computer lotteries. It provides a license for mountain goat, bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, moose, and other species that hunters dream about. If you enter the special drawing, you could win licenses for three species of your choice in a single year. This program is relatively new, which increases the odds of being drawn.
Fantastic Gear Package
New for 2017! For every 5 Super Tag raffle tickets (any species or combination of species), or every 2 Super Tag Trifecta tickets an individual purchases, their name is entered into a raffle to win the ultimate hunting gear package from KUIU, Swarovski, Weatherby, and Leupold. Purchase more tickets for more chances to win.
Here’s How it Works
Wyoming’s Super Tag raffle was created by Governor Matt Mead and the Wyoming Legislature in 2013.
The raffle includes Wyoming’s premier big game and trophy game species: bighorn sheep, Shiras moose, Rocky Mountain elk, mountain goat, mule deer or white-tailed deer, wild bison, pronghorn, mountain lion and black bear.
$10 each — Super Tag, one winner for each of nine species
$30 each — Super Tag Trifecta, one winner chooses from any three species offered. To enter click here: