Hunters are athletes and the drive to go beyond the next ridge or take the animal of your dreams is a powerful motivation.  If you have an adventurous hunt planned for the fall, you will want to begin preparing months in advance.  Unlike wanting to “lose a couple pounds,” getting in shape for a hunt has specific goals and you will soon learn how well you prepared.

Old Saying

“Why am I never in shape until the last day of elk season?” is a common expression and many middle-aged men have gone through that scenario after spending 10 days in the wilderness. Often altitude is a problem and it takes two-to-four days at high altitude for your body to adapt.

You can hike with a heavy pack, climb stairs, and other strenuous exercise, yet it won’t prepare you for high altitude.  The only way for your body to adapt is to be there and some hunters get into the high country a day or two before the hunt begins, just to get a jump on this process.

Cameron Hanes 


This post from the Realtree Website was written by Stephanie Mallory and focuses on one of the highest profile, hunting advocates in the country- Cameron Hanes.  Hanes is passionate about hunting and takes every opportunity to prepare for success.  Here’s his story:

With a bulldog tenacity and drive that rivals that of any elite athlete, Cameron Hanes is shattering the preconceived image of the hunter. He’s the poster boy for the new extreme outdoorsman, running ultra marathons and training in the most hostile conditions so he can improve his odds afield. Svelte, extremely motivated and pain-driven, Hanes is taking bowhunting to a whole new level, and he’s taking others along with him.