Tracking the Rut 11-8-2018

                                                      (Rut Meter 60-75%)


November Rut Tracker Volume 2

The bucks are definitely on the march, they are spending more time looking for does than looking for food. The does and fawns are still eating machines but the bucks are all about breeding. Every move they make is testosterone driven.

Posted by Hunting on Friday, November 9, 2018



Last week we moved thee rut meter up to a solid 50%. Now it’s moving up again. This week the rut meter is hovering around a 60-75%. W e are not quite ready to call “rut on” but every day we get a little closer.

The bucks are definitely on the march, they are spending more time looking for does than looking for food. The does and fawns are still eating machines but the bucks are all about breeding. Every move they make is testosterone driven. They are tearing up bushes, laying down scrapes, and staining their tarsals.  No doe group has yet to remain unvisited by a buck with love on his mind. All the bucks need is a little more estrus in the air to go absolutely crazy!

“Anytime you use scent you’re positioning the deer downwind of you, so you’d better be as scent-free as possible by spraying down with Scent Killer Gold. And, if you’re not using scent in combination with calling, you’re going to cut your chances of getting that buck to commit.

Speaking of estrus, every day more and more isolated does are coming into estrus, when the bucks know a doe is about to come into in estrus, they hang tight just waiting for her to be ready. The rut watchers at The Hunting Page have reported numerous incidents of bucks standing watch over a “soon to be estrus doe”, isolated fawns are beginning to show up without momma. The occasional doe has already been bred, but the majority of them aren’t quite ready.

Pretty soon the pressure will get to the bucks and they will start chasing with the passion that only comes once per year. The testosterone is there, all we need is a little more estrus to make the rut finally explode.

Bucks will continue to check and work scrapes through the entire rut especially when scrapes remain fresh with drippers from

As far as hunting goes, the key is the bucks are “on the march”. The bucks are moving and they are moving frequently. Hunting food sources that attract does is always a good bet, but if you have a favorite ridge or travel corridor you can stake out, it is likely to be a good bet. Don’t be afraid to hunt all day but mornings and evenings are still your best bet. The explosion has yet to occur but the rut rumbles are everywhere. Stay tuned to