On this Whitetail Playbook its always a necessity to have a mapped out strategy of where to put trail cameras, and where to place stand sites. Paying close attention to creek crossings and food sources in and around your hunting area, and travel corridors between these areas will reveal much of the wildlife using the area. These will be prime locations for perfect candid trail camera images of whitetails being whitetails and optimal sites for stand placement. When strategizing set ups always keep these keys in mind whether it is a stand location or camera location
Are key elements that whitetails cannot resist.
Mapping out food sources in and around your hunting area will give you a fairly detailed plan of where the does will be feeding heavily and where there are does there will also be bucks cursing and harassing. Concentrate on Green food sources and water sources Late September Rolling into October also Glassing mast crops and apple orchards also for early season sets will give you prime areas for a all year round set up. Moving into mid to late October is normally when Grain Harvest begins across whitetail country. Mapping out this schedule will keep you ahead of the game when it comes to destination feeding fields and following the food through the Fall.