Effective deer management is fraught with misconceptions and incorrect assumptions. Some hunters, and many non-hunters, believe that raising deer is much like cattle, since the former consists of does and bucks and the latter cows and bulls. Both species are mammals, yet the differences between them are many, as Dr. James Kroll points out in this most informative North American Whitetail article.
The world clearly was not ready for doe harvest! We’ve come a long way since then, and North American Whitetail has done a lot over the years to convince hunters about the importance of shooting does to maintain proper balance. Despite the progress we’ve made, though, I recently received an e-mail from a fellow in Mississippi who was desperate for ammunition that would help him get his hunting club members to shoot more does. In Pennsylvania, hunters still come out in large numbers anytime the subject of doe harvest or protecting young bucks is proposed. So I have to wonder: Have we really made any progress? The following discussion touches on some of the incredible comments and false dogma I encounter on a weekly basis… [continued]
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