You spend a lot of time preparing for your next hunt: You’ve tested your equipment to make sure it’s working, you’ve scouted a prime location… Perhaps you’ve even made travel arrangements for your hunt of a lifetime. When that gobbler comes into view through your scope and he’s within shooting range, all that preparation will be worthwhile. But then what? P.J. Perea of the National Wild Turkey Federation says that despite their best preparations, many hunters are not prepared for legally tagging and transporting their bird post-hunt.
“When it comes to turkey hunting, some parts are more important than others. Especially the part after killing a bird and transporting it back to camp or home. Some states have rather specific requirements for tagging, registering, field dressing and transporting game animals after harvest. There are physical parts of a turkey that are very important to keep intact, as they will verify that you’ve killed a legal bird.”
Photo by: Ray L. Riojas