For trophy bucks “,small” can be big.  If you had 1,000 acres of prime whitetail habitat, you’d need extensive scouting to select a hunting spot.  With two acres of suburban woodland, almost any tree is a prime location.  This may be an oversimplification, yet many small-to-tiny properties, (even 1/2 acre) can put you on a big buck, especially if your hunting ground is an island of trees or a passage narrowed by homes or geographical barriers.

Exact Spot

I hunt an Indian reservation in South Dakota annually during the rifle season.  I’ve become friends with a local guide who enjoys bowhunting and we often talk about his season prior to my arrival.  “If I could pick one spot to bowhunt on this property, I’d post at a bottom of a ravine where the fenceline leads from the river,” I told him.  “That’s crazy,” he said with a laugh.  “That’s exactly where I hunt.”

The size of the property is not nearly as important as the elements that dictate whitetail behavior.  Find those key ingredients and you have a honeyhole.

Love Groundhogs 

Most landowners will allow you to hunt groundhogs if done safely.

Many prime whitetail locations surround or adjoin cornfields and other agricultural crops.  Groundhogs can do major damage to a garden, sweetcorn patch, and reduce the harvest for farmers.  As a result, these pesky critters are on the hitlist of many people who own deer habitat and few will turn down a chance to reduce their numbers.  Find the owner of the property and ask if you can hunt groundhogs with a small caliber rifle or bow and arrow.  Without being devious, this gives you a chance to meet the owner and demonstrate your dependability and trustworthiness.  Don’t leave a batch of woodchucks on his front porch, yet check in with your success and thank him for the opportunity.  Once you’ve established your self as a responsible outdoorsman, you can ask about hunting deer.

Small Place Success

Micheal Veine lays out a solid plan for hunting small properties in this post from The Whitetail Institute:

Many of today’s hunters are being forced to hunt in smaller areas. The good news is that those tight spots often produce some of the biggest bucks every year.