I’m primarily a saltwater guy. I was pretty jacked last year to catch one largemouth bass. Despite the lack of freshwater experience though, I avidly read about freshwater fishing techniques. Yes, I’m a fishing junkie, but it’s also because many freshwater techniques have direct transfer to fishing in the salt.
One such technique is pitching. Whether at the docks pitching plastics while targeting spotted bay bass, or offshore pitching a live sardine to the edge of a kelp paddy for yellowtail, pitching is an important arrow in any fisherman’s quiver. In a new Salt Water Sportsman article, Dr. Todd Kuhn explains the finer points of this tried and true method.
I spent countless hours toiling away on the bow of an obnoxiously neon-flaked bass boat during my formative years in Central Florida. Since then, I’ve come to realize that much of what works in freshwater can also shine in the salt. After all, predatory fish behave much the same, no matter whether bound by fresh or saltwater.
“Pitching” is one “bass specific” technique that can be productive for salty gamers. Pitching is a casting technique that allows you to present baits in a controlled manner. So much so in fact, a talented pitcher can drop a deceiver into a quarter-size spot once they’ve mastered the basics.
While “pitching” sounds much like a sporting endeavor, rest assured—it isn’t. The “pitch” is fish jargon for little more than an underhanded cast. Pitching can be done from the bow of a flats or bay boat, from a kayak (while standing), or while wading. As such, it’s a versatile technique, one that stands out when other presentations prove too intrusive and disruptive.
Photos: SoCal Salty (top), Salt Water Sportsman (above)