Motion-activated trail cameras have been around for a decade, yet the plot camera is a newer invention. Instead of relying on motion (typically within 50 feet) to trigger the camera, a plot camera operates in time-lapse mode, taking pictures of whatever is in front of its lens. A field, clear cut, or food plot is an ideal placement for a plot camera because you’ll want to monitor action in a wide area, discovering where animals are entering, where they feed, for how long, and where they exit. Excellent for locating deer, these cameras also work well for spying on wild turkeys, especially if a tom has a strutting zone. Whatever type of game you’re hunting, a plot camera will give you the big picture of local activity, and will allow you to identifying the animals and their actions.
Plot cameras were initially tedious to use, since photos were taken 24 hours a day, requiring users to plow through image after image. Software has now advanced so that you can quickly scan a large number of images and only review the ones that interest you. In some ways, plot cameras work as a scouting tool, identifying travel corridors where a typical motion-sensor camera can be placed for more detailed information. Day6 has been a leader in this technology; for more information about their cameras, visit them online.
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