Raffles and lottery drawings are a great way for American hunters to have the kind of hunting experience only a billionaire can afford. Many hunts are rather exotic for mountain sheep, elk, or other Western species, while the Pure Michigan jackpot is the kind of game that most of us hunt: whitetail deer, wild turkey, black bear, and more. Best of all, it only costs $5 to enter, apply as many times as you wish, and the winner can transfer the tags. Hooaah, Michigan! Here are the details from The Outdoor Wire.
A black bear tag is just one of the cool offerings in this raffle.
The Department of Natural Resources reminds hunters to apply today for their chance to win the hunt of a lifetime through the Pure Michigan Hunt. The drawing opportunity opened March 1. There are three lucky winners each year. 2015 PMH winner Bruce Shaneour with spring turkeyEighteen Michigan hunters have won the Pure Michigan Hunt since the drawings started in 2009. Each winner receives an elk, bear, spring and fall turkey, and antlerless deer license, and on opening morning of waterfowl season, winners get first choice at any of Michigan’s world-class managed waterfowl hunt areas across the state.