If you travel to a hunting camp, you need a quality target to make sure that your gear is properly tuned and ready for that critical first shot. This goes double for crossbow hunters, who have few options when it comes to natural targets. A good bag target will quickly pay for itself in arrows saved and could salvage a hunt if a piece of sighting gear vibrates loose. Hurricane introduces a unique expandable target that will fit easily behind a seat or in a duffle bag and will quickly become a valued companion to any traveling hunter.


Hurricane Bag Targets now offers a unique line of expandable Storm targets that make it even easier for bowhunters to take their high performance targets anywhere they want. The new Storm targets feature the exclusive C.P.E. (Compressible, Packable, Expandable) technology. Storm targets come from the factory vacuumed sealed, and when you are ready to shoot, simply open the bag, shake it several times until it fully expands, stake it, and begin shooting. Every 50 shots or so, re-shake the bag to ensure consistent stopping power… [continued]

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