You know how much fun deer and elk camps can be. Aside from enjoying the out-of-doors and the challenge of outfoxing a trophy game animal, there’s the camp atmosphere, with great food, lots of laughs, and a dramatic break from the normal routine. Some fall hunting camps have been maintaining tradition for decades, and their enjoyment is passed from generation to generation.
Fall hunting camps are a great treat, so why not start one in the spring? For the past ten years a group of my friends and business associates have held a turkey camp in South Dakota at minimal expense, and with maximum enjoyment. Spring turkey camps usually occur during warmer weather so that you won’t have to deal with snow, sleet, and other uncomfortable elements. Turkey licenses are readily available and inexpensive compared to big-game tags. Best of all, you can involve the entire family, including the gals and youngsters.
As the picture above shows, our group has expanded this year to near double the normal size and we have increased the accommodations from two small cabins to extra camping trailers. We either invite someone to cook or take turns with a fixed menu, so that everyone’s tastes are included. A tent provides extra storage room, yet everyone gets a bunk or a cot to sleep on since days are long and the excitement runs high.
Every great outdoor experienced had its first annual outing, so why not start one this spring or make plans to create the camp next year?
Tell us what you think in the comments section below.