Rumors abound regarding ammunition sales in the U.S. — mainly because store shelves seem perpetually empty of all types of ammo and consumers want to know the cause.American Hunter’s Jon Draper says the National Rifle Association constantly receives requests for information about the ammo shortage, and he tries to provide answers to the ever-popular question, “Where’s the ammo?

W8798_TAH-8781 Photo by American Hunter

Some folks merely vent their frustration over the amount of ammo they are able to acquire for range sessions. Some complain about the jump in prices; they insist it can’t all be explained by supply and demand. Others are sure the government is buying up all the ammo so average Americans can’t get their hands on it. Everyone wants to know if [the NRA has] any inside information.

Whatever you believe to be the cause for the shortage, the fact is ammo continues to be difficult to find. Store shelves are empty. If you’re lucky enough to find a few boxes, chances are either you or the person behind you in line will buy all that either of you can carry and stash it away like Private Pyle hides a jelly doughnut. So, is this the future of ammunition, or is there an end to the madness? I did my homework, and while my conclusions may not be the answers you’re looking for, they are at least based on fact.

Draper addresses government purchases, consumer demand, economics, and whether there will be an end to the madness of looking for ammo and coming up empty. Read the full report.

Photos: (top); American Hunter (above)

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Shannon Rikard is a freelance writer and photographer with a passion for conservation and wedding and portrait photography. The Archery Trade Association and National Wild Turkey Federation have published her work. A self-professed word geek, she enjoys Wheel of Fortune, crossword puzzles, and finding a dynamite synonym to illustrate any point. After starting her career in public relations with a national conservation organization, she ventured out on her own with Copper Door Studios.