As summer arrives, you’ll see lots of magazine ink about tree stand placement, but what about ground blinds? Is an elevated stand better than an enclosed cover, where you can draw your bow without being seen? The best choice depends on your abilities and the locations you hunt. The editors at Petersen’s Hunting offer the pros and cons of each choice.


Ground blinds encourage sloppy hunting. There. I’ve said it.

Comfy blinds make hunters believe they can get away with a lot of things they shouldn’t be doing—like playing video games, eating excessively, and napping. (OK, I’ll admit I envy the napping.) Stools creak, bows and rifles clunk against sidewalls and frames, and arrows catch on, well, everything in the blind.


Sure, tree stands are more demanding to hunt from. First, you’ve got to squelch your inner chicken and climb into the thing, often in the dark and up frosty steps or pegs. Then, you’ve got to sit still and be quiet—skills that seem to have been root-canaled from most of the “hunters” who prefer blinds. You’ve got to stay warm, and you’ve got to minimize your scent. And if you don’t pay attention, a tree stand—or rather, the sudden lack of one beneath your feet—can hurt you badly or kill you… [continued]

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