One of the reasons that youth archery is so popular is the ease of the event. A youngster can practice shooting in his backyard or compete with friends. Youth bows are simple in design, use inexpensive arrows, and don’t require a heavy target. Unfortunately, just the opposite is true for crossbows. Most emphasize speed, can be difficult for youngsters to cock, and require a heavy-duty target. What the crossbow world needs is a plinker, a bow that a person can cock with his or her hand, is sturdy enough to dry-fire and not damage the limbs, and has a simple sight.
The bow string can be triple served above and below the nocking point, which makes the string easier to pull with bare hands. It might feature a padded “slider” that will slide up the string to cushion the drawing process. Poundage should be at about 50, a weight that most youngsters and new shooters can pull easily, since they basically cock the bow with their thigh muscles. A simple ghost ring will suffice as a rear sight, with a single pin up front. The bow will still need a safety for grip and shield to avoid hand-to-string contact, yet simpler is better in the design.
Manufacturers and entrepreneurs, this is your chance. In the days when Wookiees carry crossbows, you know every kid will want one. You’ll be providing an easy introduction to archery that’s affordable and fun. Personally, I’d love to have such a model to keep my shooting eye and trigger pull sharp. The world needs a crossbow plinker. Let’s build one.
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