Trappers love to see coyotes in their sets, but they do not want blood left behind after the dispatch. Many trappers remake their sets in the same catch circle, or very near to it. Blood left behind from a dispatched coyote can keep other coyotes coming in being caught.

Trappers can clean up and haul off any dirt that has blood left behind from or a dispatched coyote. That takes time, and most trappers are on a time crunch. The best option would be to dispatch the coyote without any blood loss. Pro trapper Clint Locklear will walk you through the steps of dispatching a coyote without all the mess.

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Jason Houser is an avid traditional bowhunter from Central Illinois who killed his first deer when he was nine years old. A full-time freelance writer since 2008, he has written for numerous national hunting magazines. Jason has hunted big game in 12 states with his bow, but his love will always be white-tailed deer and turkeys. He considers himself lucky to have a job he loves and a family who shares his passion for the outdoors. Jason writes full time and is on the pro staff of two archery companies; in his free time, he fishes and traps as much as possible.