Buck fever may be the best-known (and loved) ailment of the fall season, but in states that have a fall turkey season, the quest for an elusive longbeard can be just as addictive as the hunt for a trophy buck. Whether you’re hunting private property or public land, insider tips and knowledge can give you a distinct advantage that can help you bring home a trophy tom. The National Wild Turkey Federation says their 2013 Fall Turkey Hunting Guide, available to NWTF members, can give you that distinct advantage.
Turkey Country’s annual fall hunting forecast gives NWTF members an edge in the realm of scattered flocks and turkey dogs with exclusive information where to go, along with the basics — season dates, hunter education requirements, bag limits and more. NWTF biologists from across the country have furnished you with turkey forecasts, including population data, to help you fine-tune your autumn turkey trips.
Photos: National Wild Turkey Federation (top); Ohio Department of Natural Resources (above)