Texas is overran with hogs. I have even heard it referred to as a hog apocalypse. There is no arguing that point, but what is the best way to control the population? Is using bait laced with poison the answer?
It depends on who you ask. The government would like to think so. But, landowners, hunters, and private citizens don’t all feel the same way.
Recently I had the opportunity to hog hunt at Twin Boars Outdoors near Knox City, Texas.
Jeremy Eaton, owner of Twin Boars Outdoors expressed his thoughts to me. “Warfarin, one of the biggest mistakes our great state of Texas has ever made. Why would any group of politicians vote to approve baiting areas to control a population of feral hogs already controlled by the growing hunting industry with the risk of spreading chronic toxicity? The root of all evil is what I think, the dollar. To pass on the liability to the land owners and away from the state’s tax payer funding. Poison is not the answer. We the global hunters are the answer. Go pick up your nephew, grandson, niece or granddaughter up from school today. Get them in the woods. They are the answer. Generation to generation, coast to coast. Bring those young ones to Texas to Twin Boars Outdoors. let’s build a growing hunting generation even bigger in response to this huge Texas mistake.

Tony Cantu has more about this on Patch.com.
Texas State Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is touting what he says will be the magic bullet to curb the out-of-control feral hog population in the state as he continues his longstanding war against the porcine enemy. He recently approved the use of the “Kaput Feral Hog Lure” to thin the wild herd that has become a nuisance for farmers given the maruading hogs’ destruction of crops and property in the rural parts of the state.
It’s the latest assault on a determined and prolifically breeding enemy, following efforts over the years to thin its ranks by allowing hunters to shoot them from helicopters, with packs of dogs and, naturally, shotguns, with no limit on the amount that can be bagged. Miller touts his newly approved use of poison as a “major new weapon” in the state arsenal against the hog enemy.
Oh, and then there’s the cost savings! Miller said in a recent press conference the Texas Department of Agriculture won’t need to dole out $900,000 in state funding earmarked for feral hog control research. You know, because the poison is probably going to kill most of the animals, rendering the research moot.