The Turkey Track Club has been operating in Sturgis, South Dakota, for 41 years. It offers great adventure for anyone who loves turkey hunting amidst great scenery. You’ll be hunting in a region famous for Mount Rushmore, Black Hills gold, and native Sioux heritage.
Although hunters can become permanent members of the club, there are always extra vacancies, and local residents will personally guide you to the best spots.
Camp is the Elk Creek Resort, which hosts great food and lodging and forms a social hub for the hunt.
This is an ideal father-and-son or -daughter hunt, as the mountains are modest and the success rate is very high.
Six camps are offered from April 12 through May 3, and vacancies fill up fast. You can opt for a single bird or multiple bird hunt, and there’s even a Couples Combination Hunt.
This is such a down-home, low-key hunt that the club doesn’t even have a website. You can contact John Hauer (the chief guide) or Tom Wilts (the camp manager) at 877-652-2235 or by e-mail at turkeytrackclub@rushmore.com.
Hauer and I once got slammed with two feet of snow the night before a hunt and we had to ride mules into the high country. It was one of the great adventure hunts of my life, and I bagged a magnificent Merriam’s gobbler. I’m sure you’ll have an equally impressive experience.