For most deer hunters, June and July are off-months when we read about deer hunting, think about deer hunting, and wish we could go deer hunting. Actually, you can. One of the coolest deer on the planet abounds in Texas- the Axis. Unlike whitetail deer, this Indian import breeds at various times of the year so it’s quite possible to see bucks (often called stags or bulls) in velvet at the same time you see other with hard antlers.
Focus on the Rut

This species of deer is beautiful to see in the wild and never loses its spots which make excellent camouflage. In the Hill Country of Texas most breed in June and July which is the best time to hunt them and the perfect cure for the whitetail doldrums. Larry Weishuhn is not only “Mr. Whitetail,” but “Mr. Texas” as well and covers the in’s and out’s of Texas hunting in this post from the Scout website. As you will learn, Axis deer make scrapes, are active along rub lines, and make a “roar” of sorts. Once you read this blog, early summer may never be the same:
The Axis deer, originally from India, and introduced into Texas back in the early 1900’s, retains its spots throughout life. Arguably the Axis is considered by many to be the most beautiful of all the world’s deer. Once prevalent in the land of the tiger today their numbers in their home country are limited at best. In Texas they are found behind both high fences and free range in rather larger numbers, particularly throughout the Edwards Plateau or Hill Country.
In the Lone Star State Axis are considered an “exotic” or non-endemic big game species. As such, there are no seasons or bag limit restrictions. But a hunting license is required to hunt them as is permission from the landowner. Axis have essentially the same legal status as livestock.