June marks the beginning of summer and also the end of high school for millions of students worldwide. It’s a point where decisions are made about whether to go to work or attend college, and what to study in college, if that’s the route you choose. It can be difficult to choose a job you think you’ll enjoy doing until you reach retirement age. If you’ve ever considered that deer hunting could be more than a hobby for you, Brian Grossman has helpful advice regarding career paths for deer hunters.

“If you have ever dreamed of turning your passion for deer hunting and management into a career, then I am here to encourage you to pursue that dream… or at least give it serious consideration. There are a variety of wildlife careers out there, depending on your current interests, education and skill set. While these careers may carry a variety of job titles, most of them can be lumped into two broad categories: wildlife technicians and wildlife biologists.”

Grossman goes on to explain the qualifications needed for both job types, and other helpful tips. Read the full story.

Photo by: Department of Natural Resources of Michigan State University