Deer hunting excitement reaches a fever pitch as the big day draws near. Part of that ecstatic feeling is climbing into your favorite tree stand, perhaps for the first time all year. If you built the stand from wooden timbers, be extra careful when ascending, as the growth (expansion) of the tree trunk will pull nail heads through the lumber, making it vulnerable to failure.

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has other tips in this timely post from The Outdoor Wire.
With firearms deer season approaching in Indiana, hunters must understand the risks of hunting from an elevated platform and how to protect themselves from a fall. Falls from elevated platforms are the leading cause of deer hunting accidents in Indiana, accounting for more than half of all accidents. In an average deer season, about 18 hunters will experience a fall.
Already this year, deer hunters have reported seven falls from elevated platforms during the early archery season. Firearms season, the most popular among the different deer seasons, starts Nov. 14 and last 16 days. Lt. Larry Morrison of the DNR Division of Law Enforcement said falls are preventable if hunters follow basic tree-stand precautions.
“If they are thinking safety, safety, safety, they should be just fine,” he said… [continued]
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