With many of the hunting seasons winding down, outdoorsmen probably wish they could make like a bear and just nap the cold, snowy winter away.
However, winter is the perfect time to practice your calling, whether it’s waterfowl, elk, or wild turkey.
Calling contests are scattered around the country. While you probably won’t win your very first effort, animal calling is a great hobby. Most contests have sub categories to allow for experience and age. For example, Brayden Langley won $500 in the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s youth category.
Even if you don’t win, just think about how your hunting skills will improve and you’ll soon be the envy of your friends. Since several Eastern states now offer elk hunting, look for more and more contests in that part of the country.
For information on getting started, go to RMEF.org. or 1-800-CALL-ELK.