Enjoying football is immensely more fun it you can toss the pigskin with friends and family. Aspiring little leaguers are always up for a game of catch. Likewise, hunting needs mentors to introduce youth to our heritage and help them understand the big picture of nature, hunting, and conservation.

Carrying a rifle or bow is extra exciting for young people, but it’s not necessary for a great start. Visiting a hunting camp, climbing into a tree stand, or sitting in a blind with friend or family also builds great excitement. This post from QDMA details how memorable this can be.

Although bagging a mature buck is difficult, outfoxing an old doe is quite the challenge.
Although bagging a mature buck is difficult, outfoxing an old doe is quite the challenge.

The warm Georgia sun was quickly fading behind the loblolly pines and, with it, any hope I had of Sarah getting a shot at her first deer. It was the last evening of the 2015 QDMA National Youth Hunt, and I had been assigned to guide a 12-year-old girl who had never killed a deer. By this point in the hunt, most of the other kids had a deer in the cooler, and the thought of Sarah going home empty-handed was breaking my heart.

With just 20 minutes of legal shooting light left, my hope was restored when two does and a fawn popped out of the thick brush and into the small wheat food plot we had been watching all evening… [continued]

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