Resolve to succeed in 2014, and take actions to make that resolution happen. With last year in the rear-view mirror, now is the time to analyse those aspects of your hunting plan that worked well and resolve to improve those that did not. Need new gear? It’s probably on sale. Need a new spot to hunt? Winter is a great time to scout, and you won’t find much competition. Know of a great stand? Now’s the time to trim shooting lanes and prepare. Derrick Sigler lays out his plan for resolving to succeed in the year ahead in this Outdoor Hub post.
It’s that time of year when people start acting on their New Year’s resolutions, and outdoorsmen and women are no exceptions. Typically these resolutions are to lose weight, join a gym, pay off bills, or keep their office cleaner. Okay, that last one is something my wife suggested for me.
I have to admit that I’ve always thought of New Year’s resolutions as absurd. Why wait until the first of the year to start something? If you’re going to do it and resolve to do it, then do it, right? Well, like many of you, I didn’t have a great deer season. It just didn’t come together even though I did everything I could. So I’m making my resolution right here and now that I’m going to have a good 2014 deer season.
It’s winter, right? So here it is, winter. Hunting season is past
and you’ve put away the hunting gear. Well get it back out, you big goof. Yeah, you may not be able to carry your rifle or bow into the woods to chase a big buck around, but you should still practice. Yes, practice shooting more. There’s resolution number one. Get to the shooting range more, and there’s no time like the present. Many rifle ranges have covered shooting benches, and if you have your own land, well, the range never closes. You don’t have to shoot off all that expensive ammo either…