Opening day of spring turkey season is for adults what most children feel about Christmas. For whatever reason, we are driven to get up extra early, after not sleeping most of the night, and plan on calling in a monster gobbler in the first hour of daylight. This YouTube video shows that exact happening, (Sorry to give away the ending), but that’s not by accident. Whether you are about to experience opening day in your state or just want to kill a big gobbler, this video has a number of elements that succeed.
Scout before Season
I interviewed Chris Kirby, owner of Quaker Boy game calls and one of the nations best turkey hunters. The topic was, “How to score on opening day,” and Kirby didn’t take a breath before mentioning scouting. “I begin at least a month before the season finding where birds roost and where they travel,” he said. “Turkeys are much easier to call if you are sitting where they want to go.”
The action in this video is in the same county in which I live so that I am familiar with the rolling farmland terrain. Andy Kaetzel scouted that farm and knew that four big toms often strutted in a pasture field, the location of his blind.
Use Decoys

Kaetzel and his “Load Up N Limit Out” team, had their calling spot picked out and no doubt the blind put up a week ahead of the hunt. Although wild turkeys usually ignore a stationary blind, it never hurts to allow some time for it to become part of the surroundings. Additionally, they used decoys in a very safe situation where they had full view of anyone that would approach. Additionally, you will notice this monster longbeard heads straight for the jake. Hens often won’t approach hen decoys, yet they often ignore immature gobblers and big toms immediately go after them.
Cool Back Story
Most hunters we see in videos are nameless, yet “Andy” is a local teacher with five young boys at home, coaches a National Archery in the Schools team and still finds time to help his friends with “Load Up N Limit Out” as an aspiring outdoor show. Enjoy opening day in Maryland and best of luck to the Load Up crew: