I’ve spent 40 years dressed like leaves and twigs, yet my opinions are changing about more abstract patterns like Pnuma with lighter tones, abstract designs, and built on a platform that’s comfortable and oh so functional. For example, last week I was hunting on election day, normally about the middle of the pre-rut and used a grunt call randomly hoping to lure in a buck on the prowl.
Suddenly, I noticed a deer approaching 150 yards away, moving steadily toward my position. Raising my binoculars I could see it was a 1.5-year-old six point, not a shooter buck according to the property rules. A wiser man would have broken out his cell phone to capture the jaw dropping events to follow. That little buck walked down a steep hill, splashed through a stream and climbed my side of the ravine. Pausing occasionally to search for other deer, it came to 50 yards, 40, 30, 20, 10, and finally paused at five yards, yet never once looked at this Pnuma clad hunter sitting against a small tree on a leaf littered carpet. The buck offered several more quartering away angles at ridiculously close range, while I watched in wonder.
Pnuma is a brand new line of gear and I’ve had the chance to test it a few times and so far I’ve yet to be detected in a tree or on the ground.
Clothing with a Function–

The Pnuma line of clothing has so many engineering functions, you need to check out the website for the many thoughtful aspects of this clothing line, yet I’d like to address some truly standout features that are easy to appreciate:
1. Zippers that Work- Zippers suck on most new hunting gear, if you’ll pardon my blunt language. Either they are very difficult to start or they pop open under pressure. Pnuma zippers are amazing. First they are heavy duty, yet zip silently and fasten so they don’t allow moisture or body heat to escape. Secondly, there are lots of them both for ventilation and in critical areas. I try to make it a habit never to put my truck keys in anything but a zippered pocket and this gear makes that easy.

2. Vest Pockets- I want the gear I use most within easy reach and the double, zippered vest pockets of the Pnuma jacket are great for a rangefinder, calls, and yes a cell phone. You always know where your critical gear and reaching it requires very little movement.
3. Fleece lined pockets- Gloves will help keep your hands warm, yet I learned long ago not to rely on them. Whether you shoot a bow, crossbow, shotgun, or rifle, You need complete sensitive on your shooting hand and gloves often interfere at the most critical time. The soft lining of Pnuma pockets feel good to the touch and help insulate my hands so that I can be at the top of my game when needed.
4. Knee Pads- I absolutely love the built-in knee pads that I never know are there until I kneel during a stalk or in anticipation of a shot. Normally, my knees begin to swell if I put weight on them for as little as a minute. Also, when sitting in a tree stand, my knees often get cold because my insulation is stretched tight against my skin, ruining the insulating property of the gear. That simply does not happen with Pnuma.

5. Ergonomic hood. I wore my Pnuma outfit for the first time on a Wyoming elk hunt and while most of the country has been warm this year, I hunted in blowing snow the whole time. Most hoods insulate well, yet often obscure peripheral vision or allow wind to enter your outer layer. Negative on both. I rarely knew I had the hood up and even at 10,000 feet in blowing snow felt insulated by the outer layer.
6. Burr Proof Exterior- I was lucky enough to take my buck early in the morning, yet had to use my backpack for a tripod to take pictures and that required crawling around in cactus, normally a very painful experience. The sturdy exterior of Pnuma kept those quills at bay along with sand burrs and a host of other nasty stickers. These are but a few of the many benefit designs in the new Pnuma line. … [continued]