Ralph and Vickie celebrate the 20th anniversary of their Archer’s Choice TV Show. I met them at the 2020 Archery Trade Show where I told them about my new crossbow book. As long time friends and hunting companions, they were pleased to introduce the new eBook.

Vicki and I have known Joe Byers for a long, long, time and relish his work. His knowledge and experiences have helped us on our journey, and we believe his thoughts and ideas are exciting and informative. Aside from being an outdoor writer and photographer, Joe was a professional educator for more than 30 years, so he knows the outdoors and has the communication skills to bag that experience and put it clearly in your sights.
Joe has been hunting with crossbows for the past 10 years and has spent four decades hunting in a wide variety of situations from Alaska to the Mexico to Africa and the USA from coast to coast. By the end of this book, you’ll know crossbows from A to Z and more importantly how to use them for hunting success. In the past five year’s he’s killed three P&Y bucks with a crossbow in firearm seasons. Who does that!? Kick back and enjoy the ride!
I’m Excited About this Book
Special thanks to Ralph & Vickie for introducing my new book “Hunting Crossbows- A YouTube Quick Guide.” This dynamic outdoor couple is celebrating their 20th year with the Archers’ Choice TV show, one of the most successful creations on Outdoor Television. I have had the pleasure to hunt with them several times and was thrilled to have their endorsement. I’ve always been a visual learner and understand things much better when I can see a picture or watch a video. This new concept in eBooks allows the reader to go from an explanation in words directly to a visual explanation of the idea with one click.
If you are contemplating a new crossbow, my book reviews 14 2020 options with lots of hunting tips and tactics in a unique format. Each topic has a written explanation as well as a YouTube link for a quick illustration. It costs less than a hamburger and has plenty of “beef.” Check it out at https://amzn.to/2z32JUp