The best way to bag a big whitetail buck is to fool its nose.
Regardless of season, a tiny whiff of human scent will repel a buck and possibly avoid your stand area for good. Human scent elimination is a system and details matter. You can wear the best gear in the world, but stop at a local diner for breakfast the morning of the hunt and you’ll destroy your efforts. Deer don’t like the smell of bacon. Even your gas peddle is loaded with petroleum smells, so never wear your hunting boots while driving.

The folks at ScentBlocker get the system approach; that’s why they offer a variety of gear to increase your scentlessness to the max. Let’s take a look.
Gloves: If you climb into your stand using your bare hands, your scent will linger on the stand and probably the pull-up rope. Your fingers and feet are usually the first to get cold and these gloves will give you added staying power.
Socks: I’ve used these socks and I love the feel and the warmth. They help absorb odor and perspiration, helping to keep my feet dry and warm.
Cap: Whether you like the skull cap or baseball style, much of your heat (and odor) passes through your scalp and you need to put on the scent brakes with one of these items.
Versa: This cool face mask morphs into a variety of designs, all of which will help keep you warm and your shiny face undetected. For more information, go to