Bipods are standard practice in long range shooting where a perfectly solid rest is necessary, yet rarely used on a shotgun. This YouTube video will demonstrate how helpful a Swagger bipod can be when turkey hunting, especially in low light, close encounters, or exciting situations… and who doesn’t have those? A flexible bi-pod will allow you to keep both hands free to call or just relax when patience is the best call of all.
Why Swagger is Different

Swagger Bipods can be flexible or rigid, depending upon the need. When you have plenty of time to shoot, you can set the legs rigidly with the push of a button. With wild turkeys and most game animals, movement is a constant which is when the flexibility of the Swagger shines. If you rest your shotgun in a near-shooting stance and doze off only to find a big tom checking out your decoys, you can adjust the aim of the shotgun without actually moving the bipods. Plus, by resting the shotgun on the bipod, you are less likely to raise your cheek from the stock and shoot over the gobbler.
Easy On
Swagger Bipods are designed to fit a wide variety of rifles and shotguns. In our turkey camp, guest brought many brands and as you will see in this short clip found them to be very effective. Aside from the flexibility of the pods, they are also adjustable to accommodate prone and sitting positions. Watch as you see the Swagger in action: