Hunting early season bucks on food sources is one of your best bets for taking a mature buck. Evening hunts are generally most productive in the early season when food sources like bean fields or hidden food plots are generally being used by multiple deer including does/fawn groups.

These deer serve as sentinels for the old boy you are after, and he is generally the last to show up in the feeding area. All evening long, you will have dozens of eyes to beat as well as plenty of noses. Your scent will be saturating the ground area with scent molecules as the sun sets and the cooler heavy airdrops to the ground. To make matters worse, leaving the area undetected is almost impossible with evening sits. Dropping out of a tree is a great way to tell every deer in the area that something is up, and that something feels an awful lot like last hunting season. It is always best to have a buddy pick you up with some kind of motor vehicle to run the deer out of the field before you drop out of the sky. Hunt the same field 5 nights in a row, and chances are each night will produce fewer and later sightings.